Vol 13, No 5 (1913)

Periodic activity of the digestive apparatus outside the digestion, from the point of view of biology and medicine

Boldyrev V.


In addition to all the well-known "digestive" activity of the digestive apparatus, which until now was considered its only function, there is still another - "periodic", flowing inside digestion and, apparently, not having a direct relation to it. It happens all the time when the digestion is nt. With the end of it, it arises, and with the beginning, it stops.

Kazan medical journal. 1913;13(5):321-350
pages 321-350 views

On the question of leukanemia

Goryaev N.K.


Leucanemia does not occupy a certain place in the row of blood diseases, resp. hematopoietic apparatus. Only a few are inclined to emphasize it as an independent form (Leube). Mattirolo, Hitschmann and Lehndorff, Kryukov). The majority, however, see in cases related to this or leukemia with a particularly pronounced secondary - myelophthisische or also - according to Hirschfeld'y - hamolytische - anemia (Luce, Hirschfeld, Butterfield) or atypical anemia (mit Reizungsmyelzytose) (Kerschensteiner) (Kerschenchener).

Kazan medical journal. 1913;13(5):351-375
pages 351-375 views

Study of the effects of drugs on the body on the basis of some new data of physiology

Boldyrev B.


Gracious sovereigns and gracious sovereigns! It is common for each of us to take care of his health and be interested in everything that can affect him in one way or another. Therefore, it seems to me that it will not be uninteresting for you to familiarize yourself with some new important methods of studying the effects of drugs on the body, which, in my opinion, can provide a varied and valuable material for pharmacology, which is one of the most modern medical science in its current form.

Kazan medical journal. 1913;13(5):376-393
pages 376-393 views

To the scholarship on the chromaffin systemѣ. The structure of the accessory organs of the sympathetic nerve in humans (Nebenorgane des Sympathicus — Zuckerkandl)

Yakhontov K.M.


In 1909, student A.A. Vechtomov presented to the medical faculty of the Imperial Kazan University for a gold medal a work entitled: "Anatomy of the supplementary organs of the sympathetic nerve" (Nebenorgane des Sympathicus-Zuckercandl).
In this work, Vechtomov sets out the results of the examination of the additional organs, which he performed in the Anatomical Institute of K.U. under the guidance of prof. VN Tonkova during 1908-1909.

Kazan medical journal. 1913;13(5):394-444
pages 394-444 views

Letters to the editor


Letters to the editor.
Gracious Sovereign
Mister Editor.
The Board of the Society of Russian Doctors in memory of N.I.Pirogov asks you not to refuse to print in the next issue of your publication:
The XII Pirogovskiy Congress of Doctors decided: i) to continue medical and food assistance to the population affected by the poor harvest in future lean years; 2) to express gratitude to all donors, institutions and persons who have provided their assistance to the activities of the Pirogov medical and food commission.

Kazan medical journal. 1913;13(5):445-445
pages 445-445 views

Letters to the editor. "Pirogov's day"


Letters to the editor. "Pirogovskiy day"
13/23 November 1913
The Pirogov Society of Physicians, in its vocation, serves theoretically and practically the medical and sanitary needs of the country and, in its desire to promote the union of doctors, constantly felt the need for the necessary facilities, for example. for the establishment of medical and sanitary courses, for gatherings during congresses, etc .; the absence of own premises is a brake on the expansion of the Society's activities.

Kazan medical journal. 1913;13(5):445-448
pages 445-448 views



On October 1, in the assembly hall of the University, a meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists was held, dedicated to honoring the Chairman of the Society, prof. Liberia of Osipovich Darkshevich on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of his scientific and teaching activities.
By 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the hall was almost full. Members of the Faculty of Medicine, teachers of other faculties, doctors, students, persons close to the university corporation, welcomed the hero of the day with a long, incessant, friendly applause.

Kazan medical journal. 1913;13(5):449-452
pages 449-452 views

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