Vol 7, No 2-6 (1907)

Nikolay Matveevich Lyubimov, as a professor and scientist

Zabolotnov P.


Nikolay Matvevich was born in 1852 in the city of Ufa. He lost his father very early when he was still a baby. His mother (Elizaveta Vasilievna), two years after her husband's death, married for the second time to an official of the Treasury (Chernobaev). Nikolai Matveyevich grew up in the family lonely, because he had neither brothers nor sisters.

Kazan medical journal. 1907;7(2-6):1-17
pages 1-17 views

Disease, death and funeral of N.M. Lyubimov, a professor and president of the University

Kazansky M.V.


On January 31, Nikolai Matvevich began to complain of stabbing in his right side, but he explained his pains with rheumatism. February 2 (holiday) prof. Lyubimov went to the Institute of Experimental Medicine and was already directly sick: as he entered the Institute's stairs, he suffocated so badly that he felt bad about him and had to provide him with medical assistance at the Institute.

Kazan medical journal. 1907;7(2-6):189-281
pages 189-281 views

N. M. Lyubimov. (On personal memories)

Kazem-Bek A.N.


My acquaintance with the deceased embraces a rather long period of time, about 32 years. As a 16-year-old boy, I met N.M. in one family from Ufa, the homeland of the deceased, who lived with us on the same yard, on Novogorshechnaya Street, in Platunov's house, now owned by Fedorova. Our meetings in this family were quite frequent, and from the very first days of our acquaintance I was fascinated by the handsome face of the deceased, his simplicity of handling and fascinating stories about the pathological and anatomical autopsies produced by him.

Kazan medical journal. 1907;7(2-6):18-20
pages 18-20 views

Memories of a friend of the deceased Nikolay Matveevich Lyubimov

Teregulov I.


My acquaintance with the deceased Nikolai Matvevich refers to the middle of the 60s of the past century, when he, having finished the course of the Ufa district school, entered the 2nd grade of the gymnasium. We agreed with him on the basis of studying the French language, in which he was not sufficiently prepared, and then remained inseparable friends. Nikolai Matvevich was a very healthy, lively boy, showing great dexterity in games, in which he remained a winner. Very capable, vividly interested in everything, N.M. passionately loved nature and with great interest followed the birds, knowing them not only by their appearance, but also by their voices. Already at this time, he showed a tendency to turn to books for exact instructions, since his home could not help him in this.

Kazan medical journal. 1907;7(2-6):21-24
pages 21-24 views

Professor N.M. Lyubimov as a member of the Kazan Society of Physicians and the initial history of the Society

Kazansky M.V.


On January 18, 1880, H. M. Lyubimov, then still a prosector at the Department of Pathological Anatomy of the Kazan University, was elected a valid member of the Society of Physicians, which was attached to the Imperial Kazan University. Since then, and until the very last days of his life, for 26 years continuously, Nikolai Matvevich took a lively part in the affairs and life of the Society, and no one else from our members was so active and did not bring so much benefit to our Society as Professor Lyubimov excluding his teacher, the famous Chairman of our Society of the old times, prof. A. V. Petrov.

Kazan medical journal. 1907;7(2-6):25-187
pages 25-187 views

On pathological and anatomical changes in the organs of animals poisoned with cocaine and animated with chloroform. Experimental study

Parin V.N.


Cocaine poisoning is not uncommon. Thus, during the period from 1886 to 1900, Dr Polenov could find 19 such cases in the literature available to him. This figure is reasonably far from exhaustive of all the cases of cocaine poisoning. Only a few cases are made possible by the consistency of the literature, and of these few cases, of course, not everything has been collected by the publisher.

Kazan medical journal. 1907;7(2-6):а1-а125
pages а1-а125 views

On study of the so-called Banti disease

Zabolotnov P.


In Russian literature we have very few reports of Banti disease. The first belongs to Gruzdev, with a detailed literary analysis of this issue and a description of the observed only clinically in the Kronstad hospital of one own observation. The late professor H.M. Lyubimov in 1902 introduced our society to this new form of the disease, which was established by him in one case at the section table, and was accompanied, moreover, by a special form of peritonitis. This observation with a detailed pathological and anatomical examination is the first in Russia.

Kazan medical journal. 1907;7(2-6):а126-а140
pages а126-а140 views

Combination of primary liver cancer with atrophic cirrhosis (Cancer avec cirrhose)

Charushin F.N.


Complex pathological changes have always attracted the attention of researchers who are trying to find their histogenesis and come up through that, with various combinations, to the resolution of not established ethological issues in some pathological processes. Especially in sphere of oncology, the interest arises in cases of rare objects, such as this one, which make us talk about. That is why we dared to send a message in order to confide with the researchers, who, perhaps, will find for themselves any indications or confirmations on issues that concern them.

Kazan medical journal. 1907;7(2-6):a141-a147
pages a141-a147 views

On cusuistry of Krönlein's ophthalmic eye surgery

Razumovsky V.I.


In 1886, Prof. W. Wagner, who introduced a general surgery called temporary or osteoplastic resection of the skull, suggested that temporary resection of the eye socket is also possible by removing a wedge-shaped section of the ocular margin and the adjacent bones of the face. At the same time and independently of him, the famous Swiss surgeon R. Krönlein, for the removal of the dermoid cyst lying behind the eye socket, opened up access to it through the resection (temporary) of the external ocular roof. He removed the tumour and left the eyeball in place.

Kazan medical journal. 1907;7(2-6):a148-a152
pages a148-a152 views

3 more cases of rectal dissection in women using the vaginal method

Enokhin B.


In the 1st book of the journal "Russian Surgical Archive" for 1905, Dr. S.K. Petrulis reported from the Kazan Faculty Surgical Clinic on 3 cases of rectal dissection in women using the vaginal method performed by Professor V.I. Razumovsky. The subject of this article will be further cases of surgery performed using the same method in the course of 1905-1906.

Kazan medical journal. 1907;7(2-6):а153-а162
pages а153-а162 views

Peritonitis chronica fibrosa incapsulata

Ovchinnikov P.Y.


Chronic peritonitis occurs in two forms - exudative and sticky or sclerosing inflammation. In the last form, marked as an important and insignificant phenomenon, even by the Virchow, it is most often observed in the form of splicing of separate organs of the abdominal cavity with each other or with the abdominal wall and in the vast majority of cases, it is caused by the abdominal cavity or damage to the abdominal cavity; sometimes it is the result of operations.

Kazan medical journal. 1907;7(2-6):а163-а174
pages а163-а174 views

Alveolar echinococcus of the liver

Bogolyubov V.L.


Multi-chamber (multilocular) or more correctly alveolar echinococcus was first described by Buhl in 1852 under the name of alveolar colloid, followed by Luschka under the name of colloidnamic cancer. In 1854, Zeller found Echinococcus corollas for this disease, but explained its presence by chance. The true nature of this truly painful process was established by Virchow, which gave him the name "multilocular echinococcal liver tumour" (Multiloculäre ulcerirende Echinococcusgeschwulst der Leber).


Kazan medical journal. 1907;7(2-6):а175-а180
pages а175-а180 views

Two cases of multiple echinococcus

Kopylov N.V.


Cases of multiple echinococcus occur not particularly often. So, according to the latest and accurate statistics, Vegas and Granveil in Argentina, where in the last time the disease turned out to be endemic, in 952 cases, multiple echinococcus was observed in only 27 patients, which is 2.8%.

Kazan medical journal. 1907;7(2-6):а181-а184
pages а181-а184 views

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