Vol 4, No 9-10 (1904)

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Foreign trip report

Gimmel I.M.


In 1890, the Faculty of Medicine, having chosen me as a professor's grant holder in the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases, sent me abroad to upgrade my qualification. 

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(9-10):409-430
pages 409-430 views

To the study of acute leukemia

Lyubimov N.M.


Pappenheim, with the aim of clarifying the pathogenesis of leukemia, and considering the common denominator of leukemia to be "lymphatic (lymphaemia) and bone marrow "myelogenic (myelehemia)", proposed by Еrlich, undermined by Hirschlaff's observation, cites the following case of acute leukemia.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(9-10):431-493
pages 431-493 views

On sexual abstinence

Favorsky A.V.


Who among mothers and fathers and, in general, persons with a good fortune in the upbringing of the young generation, and consciously and seriously take this upbringing, did not worry and did not think when his child was approaching the period of sexual maturity or, in the language of physiologists, when the development of indivisible plant life ends. When is the tendency of organic force towards growth transferred to the production of a new individual? What view should be kept in this attitude during the further life of a young individual? What should inspire in order for a child to maintain its health and strength? Whether to instill in him that he must maintain himself in all inviolable purity, at least until the known moment, or can he be allowed to start sex life — these are the questions that relentlessly persecute the educator.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(9-10):494-523
pages 494-523 views

Les localisations de cancer sur le système nerveux périphérique

Raymond F.


In this lecture, Prof. Raymond tells the story of a case in which, during the cancerous process of various organs, phenomena from the nervous system developed.

Kazan medical journal. 1904;4(9-10):524-525
pages 524-525 views

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