The effect of fluoridated and iodized salt consumption by schoolchildren on acid solubility of permanent teeth enamel

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Aim. To study the acid solubility of enamel based on calcium and phosphorus from the enamel surface layer to the acid biopsy and test of enamel resistance indicators in school-age children in the presence of biogeochemical fluoride and iodide deficiency, as well as the changes in these parameters amid the 3-year fluoridated and iodized salt consumption.

Methods. Enamel solubility on calcium and phosphorus was evaluated based on calcium and phosphorus release from surface layer of permanent teeth enamel into acid biopsy. Test of enamel resistance was determined by V.R. Okushko method. The color intensity was assessed using standard 10-point blue color scale.

Results.. The effect of 3-year consumption of fluoridated and iodized (300±50 mg/kg fluoride, 40±10 mg/kg iodide) salt on the acid solubility of permanent teeth enamel in 155 schoolchildren, born and living in conditions of biogeochemical deficiency of fluoride (fluoride content in water 0.02-0.08 mg/l) and iodide (iodide content in water 3.38±5.07 g/l) was studied. Consumption of fluoridated and iodized salt during 36 months contributed to the maximal calcium and phosphorus release from the enamel surface layer to acid biopsy during the study period. At the end of the follow-up period in the main group of schoolchildren in relation to the control group, the calcium release from the enamel surface layer to acid biopsy was higher by 131.3%, phosphorus - by 114.5%.

Conclusion. The presence of fluoridated and iodized salt in the children diet leads to a decrease in the solubility of permanent teeth enamel and, consequently, to increase in resistance to acids.

About the authors

R M Ahmedbeyli

Azerbaijan Medical University

Author for correspondence.


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