Modern ethical, legal and institutional framework of biomedical cell technologies development in the People’s Republic of China

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New Chinese medicine democracy almost did not affect the traditional bases of the medical code, a certain pragmatism in relation to the moral component was preserved in it. Interest in the individual’s health was originally inscribed in the worldview code of the Chinese nation, which understands the best way of a living being existence as a harmony of the natural elements, energy states in it. General pantheistic basis, hidden or explicit anthropological naturalism of religious and philosophical views, which are traditional for China, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism form had a corresponding impact on medical ethics. Millennium beginning was expressed in the focusing of the government attention on the ethical and legal support of biotechnologies, in particular biomedical cell technologies. Government set targets to accelerate the implementation of the governmental scientific and technological specific projects in innovation areas. As a result of special solutions development by the China’s Communist Party, government emphasized the formation of developed system of «high technology zones», including biotechnoparks. Strict regulatory requirements for production, storage and use of stem cells different types, which have been adopted by the government of the People’s Republic of China in recent years, objectively allow China to sell products and services in the field of cell technology not only domestically but also abroad. If the business component of those services types, which are currently formed in the Chinese industry of biomedical cell technologies, are considered, three models can be distinguished: the first model is related to stem cells collection and storage; the second model includes stem cells production and research; the third business model - enterprises directly engaged with stem cell transplantation.

About the authors

G N Kuz’menko

Russian State Social University

Author for correspondence.

O F Lobazova

Russian State Social University


O A Evreeva

Russian State Social University



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© 2016 Kuz’menko G.N., Lobazova O.F., Evreeva O.A.

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