Justification of the model for improvement of activities for hypertension early diagnosis and prevention

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Aim. To develop medical and organizational measures to optimize the early diagnosis and prevention of hypertension complications.

Methods. A study of the hypertension incidence in population of Krasnogorsk city based on the analysis of report forms was performed. A questionnaire survey of 400 office workers of working age for the presence of high blood pressure was conducted.

Results. It was found that, despite the downward trend in the prevalence and incidence of hypertension in population served by Krasnogorsk City Hospital №1, as well as the decrease in the relative frequency of hospital admissions of patients with hypertension in 2011-2015, mortality due to hypertension-related causes does not decrease. The results of the survey and blood pressure measurement in 400 office workers of working age have shown that only 30.8% of respondents regularly monitor the blood pressure, and women 3.5 times more often than men. In 14.5% of examined persons, who claimed that they have no high blood pressure, unstable blood pressure, in 19.1% - high blood pressure is detected.

Conclusion. As an important measure for the early detection and correction of hypertension, the organization of units for measuring blood pressure at workplaces in organizations and institutions should be considered. Heads of organizations and institutions, in agreement and cooperation with the healthcare authorities, are recommended to organize units for measuring blood pressure at the personnel workplace and purchase devices for measuring blood pressure. Local healthcare authorities should organize trainings of the institutions personnel on self-measured blood pressure monitoring by means of collective actions involving volunteer health professionals in health centers, and in organizations and institutions, if possible.

About the authors

V A Reshetnikov

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: vvroyuk@mail.ru

V V Kozlov

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

Email: vvroyuk@mail.ru

V V Royuk

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

Email: vvroyuk@mail.ru

N O Sokolov

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

Email: vvroyuk@mail.ru


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© 2016 Reshetnikov V.A., Kozlov V.V., Royuk V.V., Sokolov N.O.

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