To the history of «compassionate widows» activities and training in St. Petersburg and Moscow hospitals for the poor during the emperor Alexander I reign

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The article considers the «compassionate widows» activities and training at the beginning of the ХIХ century - the time of «Compassionate Widows’ Institute» formation in the Russian Empire. Empress Maria Fedorovna set up hospitals for the poor in St. Petersburg and Moscow, in each of which 200 patients in need of medical care were treated. Patients in the vast majority claimed to not only the close attention of the doctors who performed treatment at their time level, but also careful care. That is why in these hospitals quite many «khozhatyy» and «sidel’nitsa» worked. There should be quite intent control over them. In 1815, in St. Petersburg after a year of testing of «volunteered widows of the St. Petersburg Widows’ House», who cared for the sick at St. Petersburg hospital for the poor, after a solemn oath the title of «compassionate widow» was given to 16 of 24 widows. In January, 1818, Empress Maria Fedorovna ordered to engage «compassionate widows» to the patients care in the Moscow hospital for the poor, what was put into practice by this hospital main physician Kh.F. Oppel’. In the same year «compassionate widows» (two experienced and four under consideration) were taken to this hospital, sent to the two-week duty from Moscow Widow’s House. The probationary period lasted for a year, after which «compassionate widows» took the oath in the temple of the church. In the hospitals for the poor (in 1828 known as the «Marian») both in St. Petersburg and in Moscow «compassionate widows» who voluntarily devoted themselves to «look after the sick», were trained and instructed by clinicians. Evidence of «compassionate widows» extensive training in Moscow is a famous physician Kh.F. Oppel’ guidance «Guidelines and rules, how to look after the sick, for the benefit of everyone engaged in this duty, and in particular for compassionate widows, especially dedicated themselves to this title». This is the first Russian book, dedicated to the upbringing in female nursing staff the feelings of mercy and humanity when practicing their professional and civic duty. Kh.F. Oppels’ book is a remarkable historical and medical literary monument. It is the first medical guidance for the patients care, published in our country in Russian and addressed directly to the female medical staff.

About the authors

N N Blokhina

N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health

Author for correspondence.


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