Detection of malignant neoplasms procoagulant activity

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Aim. To determine possibilities of malignant neoplasms procoagulant activity detection by idiopathic thrombosis ultrasound imaging.

Methods. 587 patients were examined. 347 patients with malignant neoplasms diagnosed in the outpatient clinic settings of the Tatarstan Regional Clinical Cancer Center (Kazan), were included in the main group. 240 patients, in which cancer pathology was excluded, were included in the control group. The groups were matched on age, sex and frequency of venous thromboembolic complications development risk factors not caused by malignant neoplasms. Both groups underwent clinical examination and ultrasound examination of the inferior vena cava, distal abdominal aorta, iliac arteries and veins, lower extremities arteries and veins.

Results. Thrombosis clinical manifestations were detected in 12 patients, including 9 patients of the main group and 3 patients of the control group. In most cases of venous thrombosis in the main group (34 people, 79%) there were no clinical signs of thrombosis and it was detected only by ultrasound examination, which allowed to detect venous thrombus in 43 patients of the main group (12.4%) and in 5 patients of the control group (2.1%; t=3.2, p <0.05).

Conclusion. The inferior vena cava system venous thrombosis frequency in patients with malignant neoplasms was significantly higher than that in patients without cancer, which indicates malignant neoplasms high procoagulant activity; ultrasonography has high sensitivity in the idiopathic thrombosis detection in cancer patients, and it should be performed regardless of the presence or absence of venous thromboembolic complications clinical manifestations.

About the authors

I A Kamalov

Tatarstan Regional Clinical Cancer Center; Kazan State Medical Academy

Author for correspondence.

R S Kurtasanov

Kazan State Medical Academy; Volga Region Branch of Russian Cancer Research Center named after N.N. Blokhin



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© 2016 Kamalov I.A., Kurtasanov R.S.

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