Medical detachments activities during the 2nd battle of Geok Tepe

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The article presents the organization of the preparation to the 2nd Battle of Geok Tepe (also known as Akhal-Teke military expedition). The Russian Red Cross active assistance is described in the context of the forthcoming expedition. Medical tactics in the surgical treatment of wounded soldiers on the part of military surgeons is reviewed based on the memoirs of the 2nd Battle of Geok Tepe surgeons N.A. Vel’yaminov and A. Keldysh. The article describes the activity of Russian Red Cross Society authorized I.P. Balashev and S. Shakhovskiy. Thus, chief authorized I.P. Balashev traveled through the battle area, which was occupied by Russian troops at that time, and having studied the local conditions, as well as having learnt the nature of the upcoming activities had made the general provisions on the Red Cross aid organization. The military-medical care organizational structure was developed quite reasonably. Nine defenses were all along the military road from Chikishlyar to Bami, that is over 320 versts. Intermediate hospitals for the sick were arranged in each of them. The article describes the activity of Sisters of Charity, who worked in military hospitals for the wounded weal during the 2nd Battle of Geok Tepe. In February 1881 the 2nd Battle of Geok Tepe campaign was completed. Russian troops and medical services got significant experience during the 2nd Battle of Geok Tepe in 1879-1881.

About the authors

N N Blokhina

N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health

Author for correspondence.


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