Skin microbiocenosis in children with atopic dermatitis

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The review of domestic and foreign literature presents data on the quantitative and qualitative parameters of skin microbiocenosis in norm and atopic dermatitis. Issues of the role of horny layer of the epidermis as well as the role of the epidermal barrier function disorders in increasing susceptibility to infectious agents were considered. United pathogenetic concept of atopic dermatitis is not completely clear, as reflected by insufficient effectiveness of this disease treatment. The researchers associate it with significant but little-studied role of bacterial skin infections in children with atopic dermatitis. The review summarizes scientific evidence of the role of bacterial, viral and fungal infections in the development and progression of atopic dermatitis. It was shown that the hallmark of atopic dermatitis is increased patients’ skin colonization with bacteria, viruses and fungi. In maintaining of chronic skin inflammation in atopic dermatitis in children the role of Staphylococcus aureus is specifically emphasized. It was demonstrated that skin barrier function impairment contributes to the establishment of secondary infection, and at the same time pathogenic microbial contamination/infection enhances skin barrier disorder, which increases the possibility of antigen absorption through the skin creating a vicious circle leading to further activation of immune system and maintenance of chronic inflammation. The factors creating favorable conditions for the growth and development of bacterial and fungal microflora were distinguished, that predispose to atopic dermatitis complicated by secondary infection, providing aggravating effects on the course of atopic dermatitis in children and leading to the development of severe forms of the disease and resistance to concentional treatment.

About the authors

O N Zaynullina

Bashkir State Medical University

Ufa, Russia

D V Pechkurov

Samara State Medical University

Samara, Russia

Z R Khismatullina

Bashkir State Medical University

Ufa, Russia


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© 2017 Zaynullina O.N., Pechkurov D.V., Khismatullina Z.R.

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