Prevalence and structure of periodontal disease in patients with coronary heart disease preparing for coronary artery bypass surgery

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Aim. To study the prevalence and structure of periodontal disease in in-patients with coronary heart disease preparing for coronary artery bypass surgery.

Methods. The study included 144 male in-patients with coronary heart disease who were prepared for coronary artery bypass surgery in the department of cardiac surgery. The diagnosis of periodontal disease was set according to the World Health Organization recommendations based on the comprehensive dental examination. Exclusion criteria were: diabetes mellitus, survived blood transfusions and all teeth missing. A prognostic model based on binary logistic regression method was created for estimation of risk factors on periodontal disease risk.

Results.The prevalence of chronic generalized periodontitis in patients with coronary heart disease preparing for coronary artery bypass surgery reaches 73.6%. Mild (51.9%) and moderately severe (48.1%) chronic generalized periodontitis were the most common. Among the risk factors for periodontal disease patients, we have identified older age, smoking, hypertension and survived acute ischemic episodes. For the created model, χ2 value was assessed as 42.7, meaning statistical significance of p

Conclusion. In in-patients with coronary heart disease, prophylaxis for periodontal disease should be performed to decrease the risk for exacerbations. Using the created prognostic tool in clinical practice may be used for outlining patients with higher risk for periodontal disease.

About the authors

S L Blashkova

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

Author for correspondence.

A S Galyavich

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia


E M Vasilevskaya

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia



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© 2015 Blashkova S.L., Galyavich A.S., Vasilevskaya E.M.

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