Features of infusions and tranfusions within the complex treatment in patients with multisystem trauma

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Aim. To analyze features of infusions and transfusions within the complex treatment in patients with multisystem trauma.

Methods. Features of infusions and transfusions were analyzed in 286 patients with multisystem trauma.

Results. The first stage of infusions and transfusions is antishock. In cases of severe bleeding it is important to prevent the cardiac arrest of «empty» heart, to maintain the circulating blood volume, cardiac output and blood pressure at a safe level (systolic blood pressure BP >80-90 mm Hg). The second stage is emergency surgery and surgical hemostasis (abdominal surgery, removal of intracranial hematoma, the most sparing reposition methods). At surgery, anyway, there is an additional blood loss related to surgery itself, but it is possible to compensate the blood loss with patient’s own blood, using machine methods of reinfusion. Infusions and transfusions are performed at general anesthesia. The third stage is the period of treatment in the intensive care unit. Infusions and transfusions should eliminate multiple disorders: volemic, oxygen transport, ionic, toxic, immune, energy and plastic. The goal of infusions and transfusions is to maintain the water-electrolyte metabolism; to treat the anemia and to ensure the efficient oxygen transport; microcirculation improvement; detoxification and metabolites excretion.

Conclusion. In multisystem trauma, the treatment success depends on the timely diagnosis, proper estimation of trauma severity, blood loss and general condition of the patient, infusions and transfusions depend on the treatment stage and injuries.

About the authors

V F Chikaev

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

Author for correspondence.
Email: prof.chikaev@gmail.com

V A Vdovin

City Clinical Hospital №7, Kazan, Russia

Email: prof.chikaev@gmail.com

F Sh Galyautdinov

City Clinical Hospital №7, Kazan, Russia

Email: prof.chikaev@gmail.com

R A Ibragimov

City Clinical Hospital №7, Kazan, Russia

Email: prof.chikaev@gmail.com


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© 2015 Chikaev V.F., Vdovin V.A., Galyautdinov F.S., Ibragimov R.A.

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